Economic Systems
What is an Economic System?
Take these two elements:
- productive things that need to be done, and
- people who are able to do productive things.
An economic system is a set of social rules that brings together those two elements.
Problems with Economic Systems
Every economic system, past and present, shares one unfortunate feature: all of them are very much less than perfect. It is generally possible to criticise economic systems of the past; you won’t be treading on very many toes. There are fewer opportunities to point out problems with current economic systems.
Acceptable Criticism
Acceptable criticism of current economic systems might include pointing to the compulsory existence of a surplus pool of labour. There is a certain number of vacancies, and there is a larger number of unemployed people. The numbers in each category will vary over time, but there’s always a surplus population. Pointing to this feature is permitted, provided you don’t do anything dangerous like question its inevitability.
Unacceptable Criticism
Unacceptable criticism might include looking at all the possible things that could be done and comparing them to those things that are actually done. There are plenty of useful, beneficial things that don’t get done, and plenty of trivial, unnecessary things that do get done. Want to buy some useless gadget that you’ll be persuaded to replace next year when a shinier, sleeker, but equally useless model comes out? Here it is! Want decent health care? Sorry, we can’t afford it.
Why Does it Happen?
There is, of course, no magic. Economic problems are not like earthquakes or tidal waves, problems that are bound to happen, and which you can merely protect yourself against to a greater or lesser extent.
Economic problems are due to a particular system of rules, which is implemented by human beings and which can be changed by human beings in any number of ways. The reason why economic systems work the way they do is because they reflect the interests of those who make the decisions.